Podiatrists May Be Recognized as Physicians…

Have you heard of the Senate Bill is 399? Well, this bill, if passed, will benefit every practicing podiatrist. This is why it's important that we become active in our local, state, and national professional organizations because of important legislature like this that promotes the Podiatric Profession.

the Senate Bill is 399 is a bill that is currently in the house and senate that could revolutionalize Podiatry as we know it today. This bill could mandate that Podiatrists be recognized as Physicians for the purpose of treating Medicaid beneficiaries. This means that Podiatry would no longer be "optional providers" in the Medicaid program. And in times of fiscal crisis, states and districts cannot exclude podiatry reimbursements. Also, podiatrists can demand the same pay scale as MDs' and DOs' for foot and ankle medical services.

Please contact your Congressional Senators and Representatives requesting their support and sponsorship of Senate Bill is 399. This is Podiatry specific and if passed will define you as a physician and put you on equal footing with MDs' and DOs' in Medicaid just as we are with Medicare. See NPMAonline.org for a complete listing of Congressional representatives that are sponsoring the bill(s). If your Senator or Representative is not listed, please contact them. See sample letter* to send your representatives* regarding sponsorship on NPMAonline.org.

From the Editor's Corner…….
Eveleigh Williams, DPM

*You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the forms. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Free.

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